Home: Kent, Washington
Home River: Kalama, Queets, Clearwater, Wynoochee, Cowlitz
Occupation: Head guide and owner of XLT Guide Service
Contact: www.DoubleHooks.com
“My ClackaCraft is by far the smoothest, easiest, most responsive drift boat I have owned and rowed. All my clients and friends have remarked the same as well as how much room and how easy it is to get in and out of the boat with gear on. I knew I had made the right choice when the other day on a local river as we passed another glass guide boat, the guide asked me what model of ClackaCraft it was. Then remarked about how high in the water it floated and how little effort I had to put into rowing not to mention how sharp the boat looked. I want to say Thanks to all the people at ClackaCraft for making such a great boat.”